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2 June 2023
CLUSTER Health - Horizon Europe Brokerage Event 2024

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Participants looking for partners will have a unique opportunity to present their organisations and ideas and/or expertise for project proposals in front of the audience in the form of a brief oral presentation (5 minutes max. and only one presentation per entity/lab or proposal idea).

For the presentation during the oral session please use this TEMPLATE with the recommendations included.

Please note that due to time constraints, the selection criteria will follow the next order or preference:

1. Project ideas linked to specific topics (coordinator looking for partners)

2. Expertise offer linked to specific topics (priority to widening countries* then first come first served basis). *List of widening countries

3. General expertise offer

Presentation order during the event will be in accordance to the date of reception of the final version of PowerPoint presentation and not the date of registration.

In order to help you to prepare better your pitch, at this LINK you can find a basic guideline with some suggestions and tips.

Deadline to submit your presentation: 23 May 2023 EOD

Please send your presentation in PDF and PPT format with the following subject: Flash presentation Cluster 1 – Name of the organisation to  argo.soon@etag.ee and ewa.szkiladz@ncbr.gov.pl

Pitching session:

  1. Aki Rintala, Expertise offer in physical activity and functional capacity, LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland
  2. Alberto Ciaramella, HORIZON-HLTH-2024-STAYHLTH-01-05-two-stage: Personalised prevention of non- communicable diseases - addressing areas of unmet needs using multiple data sources, IntelliSemantic, Italy
  3. Alexander Otahal, University for Continuing Education, Austria
  4. Andras Dinnyes, In vitro human-cell based methods for toxicology (NAM), disease modelling and bioprinting, BioTalentum Ltd, Hungary
  5. Anna Sikora, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS, Poland
  6. Åsa Fex Svenningsen, HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-13-two-stage:Validation of fluid-derived biomarkers for the prediction and prevention of brain disorders, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  7. Biljana Vučković, Blood Viscosity and Standard Coagulation tests in the early detection of Sepsis induced coagulopathy (ViSCoS), Faculty of Medicine University in Novi Sad, Serbia
  8. Camilla Ida Ravnbøl, SSH in Horizon health projects, Zealand University Hospital, Denmark
  10. Eva Frigola-Capell, Personalizing interventions to manage clinical symptoms & lifestyle to prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, d'Investigació Biomèdica de Girona (IDIBGI), Spain
  11. Jan Dominik Kampmann, The CArdio-REnal project (CA-RE), University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  12. Kaia Palm, Immune-diagnostics for early detection of disease, Protobios, Estonia
  13. Karni Chagal-Feferkorn, Comparative research consultancy, Lexidale, Israel
  14. Karoline Weißhuhn, Project Management and Clinical study support for Health Consortia, ConsulTech GmbH, Germany
  15. Luca Bianchi, Digital Health to the power of empathy, Neosperience Health Spa, Italy
  16. Margarida Diogo, Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences, Portugal
  17. Monica Florea, eHealth solutions in R&D projects, Software Imagination & Vision, Romania
  18. Nadiya Boyko, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine
  19. Paola Rizzo, Emotional and Cognitive Aspects of Health through AI and games, Interagens s.r.l., Italy
  20. Parth Chansoria, HORIZON-HLTH-2024-TOOL-11-02: Bio-printing of living cells for regenerative medicine, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  21. Maurizio Aiello/Silvia Scaglione, React4life, Italy
  22. Tamás Letoha, Pharmacoidea Ltd., Hungary
  23. Teresa Gaspar, Digital technologies for Smart health, Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón, Spain
  24. Tuncay Bayrak, Cooperation for PMCF Monitoring System, Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Turkey

The high quality presentations received but not selected, are available below:

Closed since 31 December 2023
Organised by
Participants 1022
Meetings 590
Spain 170
Italy 128
Portugal 71
Türkiye 70
France 64
Greece 46
Israel 39
Poland 31
Belgium 30
Ireland 29
Austria 27
Denmark 25
Romania 25
Switzerland 25
United Kingdom 24
Hungary 23
Germany 22
Cyprus 15
Ukraine 15
Netherlands 13
Finland 12
Luxembourg 11
Argentina 11
Slovakia 10
Latvia 10
Georgia 9
Lithuania 8
Serbia 8
Norway 8
Bulgaria 8
Sweden 5
Slovenia 5
Tunisia 5
Czech Republic 4
Estonia 4
United States 4
Moldova, Republic Of 4
Armenia 3
Morocco 3
Malta 3
Viet Nam 3
Oman 3
Croatia 2
Dominican Republic 2
Canada 2
India 2
Egypt 1
Tanzania, United Republic Of 1
Azerbaijan 1
Colombia 1
Uganda 1
Total 1046
University 350
R&D Institution 190
Company (SME) 178
Other 79
Start-up 65
Consultancy 51
Company (Industry) 43
Association/Agency/Cluster 43
Authority/Goverment 34
National Contact Point (NCP) 9
Enterprise Europe Network Partner (EEN) 4
Total 1046
Profile views
Before event 16624
After event 9386
Total 26010